Sunday, 12 November 2023

Anthony Joshua’s Training Video Has SHOCKED Fans..

In the video above, you see former world heavyweight boxer, Anthony Joshua undergoing creative training methods in preparation for his upcoming fight. One of the training methods used was, chopping wood with an axe. One hater responded by saying, 'Wood doesn't hit back,' or words to that effect. The hater in mention doesn't seem to know much about boxing history. Earnie Shavers used to use this method as part of his training. Earnie Shavers was regarded as the hardest puncher in heavyweight boxing history. Ali, Foreman and other boxing champs have used this method too. 

The haters can keep hating if that's what rocks their boat. They will eat their words though in due course.

Friday, 27 October 2023

Just had my GTFO My property, rude Mp3 dance jingle made.

I had my new and highly creative, rude and funny, dance jingle Mp3 made earlier today. You could say that this is an internet created Mp3 track. I will elaborate. I found the original video online. I bought the 2 backing tracks online via Jee Juh beats. I then went to my local recording studio, Jamrock studios, to get the track made by Phonix music. My friend and graphics man, Pete, designed the artwork. The project came to be through collaboration.

Saturday, 30 September 2023

I just had my funny dance jingle, Puffy and Lucky recorded.

I have had my funny dance jingle, Puffy and Lucky made into a Mp3 track. The vocals are by : Which is me, Anand Sule

The Mp3 track was made at Jamrock studios and the track was creatively mixed by Phonix music. Beats were purchased from Jee Juh beats.

If you would like to buy the track, here is a link to my Paypal site. Buyers will receive a link to the Mp3 track upon receipt of payment.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Google business profiles and listed hours of operation for said businesses.


I had a Google meetings video call with a supposed friend of mine last week. He is not proficient with tech. During our video call, I showed him one of my Google profiles for Way of The Remote Influencer. I will refer to him as Pinfradi. This is my nickname for him.

Pinfradi said that my listing showed just Monday. Our took place last Friday. I tried to explain to Pinfradi that Google business profiles do not show the full hours of operation for business listings. That's why Google have added the handy black downward facing arrow in the listing page. When the viewer clicks on the downward arrow, the full hours of operation are then listed for all to see. If you click the arrow again, it goes back to the one day listing. Pinfradi did not want to admit that he had made a mistake. I sent Pinfradi an email which had a link to my Google free one page site for Way of The Remote Influencer. This site has my hours listed in full. These are the same hours as my Google profile too. Pinfradi did not reply to my email. This is because I had proved him wrong.

Here is a link to my Youtube video. It provides more info on the above.

Thursday, 10 August 2023

My Mp3 dance jingle, MB 300. It's dedicated to Malia Briggs bowler.

Here is the Mp3 dance jingle I have made for Malia Briggs bowler. If you'd like to download the Mp3 track, contact me via the contact section of this site. I will then send you the track. Malia is listed as an internet personality via a Google search. However, they have the incorrect photo of her. I've contacted Google to let them know about this.

Friday, 4 August 2023

My Ava is cool, dance jingle played in full.

I made a creative dance jingle dedicated to the actress, Ava Allan a few months ago. I have always wanted to create my own Mp3 tracks. I can now cross this off my bucket list. I made a voice recording using my phone. I said a few words about Ava in this recording. I bought 2 beats tracks from a USA co called Jee Juh beats. I then went to a great recording studio around the corner from where I live, in order to get the track made : Ava is cool

Thursday, 15 June 2023

The new web address for my Facebook page for TRICS.


I have changed the web address for my Facebook page for TRICS. I decided to use the same name as my main site for TRICS :

I didn't add the .com to the web address. I could have but I decided against it. I have also changed the name of the page to, The Remote Influencer consulting solution 1

The previous web address for the Facebook group was too long : theremoteinfluencerconsultingsolution

Here is a link to the Facebook page.

Monday, 15 May 2023

My funny and tad bit rude, jingle : FuShutup


I came up a funny and somewhat rude jingle the other day. It's ok to be funny sometimes and to make jokes etc. I would love to share my jingle with the world. This is all possible nowadays, thanks to the internet. I shot a Youtube video where you see my playing the jingle via my Google drive attachment.

I have added this video to my Instagram page too. This jingle could be added into dance and techno mixes also. The jingle is super quick. It lasts about 4 seconds. I am going to add a link to the jingle via my Google drive link. I'll provide the link below. Please feel free to download and to share the jingle.

Here is the link to the jingle FuShutup.

Here is the link to my Youtube short for FuShutup.

Here is a link to the finished MP3 track. Feel free to share the track with your friends and /or family members.

Here is a Youtube segment of my jingle, FuShutup.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

My creative PDF dating tool.


I use PDF files for my research and for some of my other solutions. The pdf files can be related to consulting, coaching and training. I came up with a highly creative and somewhat unique dating tool. I have decided to create a pdf to help find a Miss right for me.

I chose an old pic of mine as I want to keep my young spirit going, even today. As pdf files are digital in essence, they can be shared among many, many people. It's not like a paper dating profile. My dating tool is green, in that no trees are killed when it comes to sharing my pdf. The pdf could even go viral. That's the beauty of the internet for you. The pdf can also be shared via email. As you might be aware, emails can be shared among many people via one mail message. The pdf could be sent as an attachment via email.

In the pic above, you see me with my hands in my pockets. I recently watched the Bollywood movie, Kal ho naa ho on Netflix. In this movie, the main actor, Shahrukh Khan, can be seen wearing a black outfit in one of the song videos. He is also seen walking with his hands in his pockets.

I have added a couple of his pics in my pdf. I have also included a link to the Youtube video from my channel. The video is from a scene from the aforementioned movie. You will see the outfits I was talking about in this video. I placed one of my website addresses plus my email address on the pdf file too. My Youtube channel link is provided too. I used to be quite a cool guy when I was young. I still think I have some cool in me even today. It's my intention to meet a nice younger lady and to have a child or children with this lady. Our kid or kids would be cool, don't you think?

Here is a link to my Youtube video on this subject.

Here is a link to my PDF dating tool. It's from my Google drive.

Monday, 3 April 2023

Let's see if Tyson Fury will fight Deontay Wilder within 1 year from today.


It's Monday April 3rd 2023. I have written this post to act as evidence to back up my prediction. Otherwise, it's just hearsay. I doubt that Tyson Fury will fight Deontay Wilder within a year from today. If anything, Tyson Fury will wait until Deontay Wilder becomes older and less of a threat, then he may give Deontay Wilder a shot at his WBC belt.

I have a feeling that Tyson Fury may have received some brain damage after being knocked down and nearly out by the power punching Deontay Wilder. Tyson Fury has admitted this himself. I will provide a link below. I suggest that Tyson Fury have a brain scan to see if he does in fact have some brain damage after the aforementioned knock downs or not. Tyson Fury has 7 kids if not mistaken. Is it worth getting hit again by Deontay Wilder or any of the other hard hitting heavyweights? I would include Anthony Joshua in this list. Anthony Joshua can pack a power punch too.,of%20my%20head%20like%20fists.&text=%E2%80%9CI%20didn't%20know%20if,end%20up%20with%20brain%20damage.

If I were Tyson Fury, I would retire. After all, as mentioned above, Tyson Fury has 7 kids that depend on him. If Tyson Fury were to retire now, he would do so with an unbeaten record. That's an accomplishment is it not.

Monday, 6 March 2023

My life coaching certification through the Universal life church monastery.

 I have recently been certified as a life coach through the Universal life church monastery. You could say that I am a double life coach as I am also a Remote Influencing life coach.

Here is my Youtube video regarding the above.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

My design associate has designed 2 logos for Malia Briggs, bowler.


I have been following a talented young female bowler from the USA via her Instagram page and her Youtube channel. Her name is Malia Briggs. Malia has star potential. I had hired my design associate to create 2 logos for Malia. He made the 2 logos above. If you would like to hire Pete, let me know. I will provide his contact info as per your request.

Here is Malia's Instagram page.

Here are the links to the logos. They're from my Google drive. Malia, you can download the logos via the links provided.

When I watch Malia's videos and I hear about her bowling successes, I become more motivated to achieve my own personal goals and targets in life.

Friday, 20 January 2023

Dream actualizer : A new service offering of Tricsolution.


I have created a new and creative service offering of Tricsolution. The name of the service is, Dream actualizer. I prefer this term to the words, life coach or life coaching. Life coaching and dream actualizer are pretty much the same thing. However, as mentioned, I personally prefer dream actualizer.

Here is a link to my Dream actualizer page.

Actualizer and actualize definitions.

One who or that which actualizes.

Make a reality of

Kesterday Anand7VS

Having a bit of fun and making jokes can help to alleviate stress. The funny dance jingle I've just created above is an example of this ...